Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An Unwanted Visitor

I suppose that it was bound to happen. Spending virtually every moment of our lives for a month and a half with six other guys in a cramped van and then barely getting any sleep every night finally caught up to us. Lots of people probably figured that after so much time together, we'd end up killing each other. Our health has actually come into jeopardy recently, but - surprisingly - it has nothing to do with each other and everything to do with an unwanted addition to our group:


Okay, so we don't have THE plague. But, whatever it is, it sure has been miserable and shows no signs of going away. I thought that I was rid of it once already only to have it come back even stronger than before. Symptoms include green snot (and lots of it), sinus congestion, dry mouth, sore throat (feels like you're swallowing glass), sinus pressure, deep chest cough, chills, low-grade fever, headache, and fatigue. It's an all-around nasty bug, whatever it is, and we seem to give it a lot of bodies to use to sustain its existence - so far we've all gotten a touch of it. Spencer has had it the worst as you can see here:

And here:

And you don't want to see how many of these we've gone through:

It's been quite the week and all I can say as I write this is that I hope that we survive it. It started out with an amazing homecoming show for Spencer in Lansing, MI. Both Danny's and TJ's parents made it out for that show, as well. (More photos and awesome video of that to come - as soon as we get healthy enough to put it together for you to see.) But since then it's been all horrible plague and pestilence.

Hopefully a steady diet of Fuze Green Tea, multivitamins, DayQuil/NyQuil, and soup will cure us quickly and prevent it from ever returning. If not... well, it's been a fun ride while it lasted.

If any of you out there have any good get-well-quick tips, please drop us a line. And please hurry. Time is running out...


Anonymous said...

If you have white/yellow dots or patches in your throat, it's strep and antibiotics are necessary to clear it up. Otherwise, it looks like a righteously good case of the common cold, complete with all the symptoms. Warm compresses on the throat, salt water gargles, rest (ha!), generic brand decongestant (pseudoephedrine), hot green tea/tea/soup/liquids, and eating well will help you feel better.

As for the cough, the smokers should take it easy for a week; it doesn't help an already irritated throat. If the cough gets worse (ie., deeper cough, wheezing), you should see a doctor.

Vitamin C and echinacea usually help to stave off the common cold, but adding them to your diet can't hurt.

Anonymous said...

no kissing

Anonymous said...

man that really sucks! like you guys already said take vitamins, HOT tea, soup, dayquil/nyquil...i know i gave you guys some of those in pill form but i would say go buy some liquid stuff cuse it has quicker kick to your system you feel better alot fast (but it tastes HORRIBLE) drink tons of water or gatorade...sleep as much as you can ( i know it almost impossible)

i really hope you guys feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Z-Pak Baby ... works for me. Unfortunately what you need most you can't get and that is REST!!! FEEL BETTER GUYS ... hurry home!

Anonymous said...

Something must have been in the air in Lansing -- because yesterday I started getting a bad sore throat and now I feel awful. Seems like it just took longer to hit me.

I hope you guys feel better soon! I know that it would be difficult to be on the road and get your energy up for a show each night. Try to get as much rest as you can and drink a lot of fluids. I usually use Airborne, but a lot of people claim that it doesn't do much -- but I figure it can't hurt.

Oh and for a really bad sore throat I always like whiskey warmed up a bit with lemon juice and honey. It's very soothing, plus the whiskey numbs your throat. It doesn't taste too bad either ;)

Take care of yourselves!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not much for medical advice, but just know we all love you guys and want you to get better! try and take it easy when you can, and the nasty plague should go away soon enough.

anddd I'll see you guys on Saturday! (yay!) :)

Anonymous said...

get well you guys.


if you need a get well package
from ya hommies from NOLA

let us know def. send ya'll something someway.

Anonymous said...

oh, god. that sucks!!! i dont know, try works at least for me. maybe you know it

take a few onion coats, you put them into a cup and you have to sprinkle every that coat with sugar and then cover up the cup (add water of course) and leave it on a table all night long. next day warm it up and drink. get it???

Anonymous said...

I've been dying of the SAME disease lately and I have to say it is miiiisserraablleee! And everytime you start to feel better it kicks your ass all over again.

That Airborne stuff helps a little, even if it does taste like liquid CRAP. Also, wash your hands or use that liquid hand sanitizer. That might help keep the germs out of the van.

FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Just like Doc Hollywood said, pseudoephedrine will help with the congestion and pressure.

Avoid at the over-the-counter cold remedies that have "PE" in the name, or phenylephrine on the list of active ingredients. This is a substitute drug that is only used because it doesn't actually have a very strong effect.

The methamphetamine producers of this great country are to blame for this. Pseudoephedrine was widely used to produce meth. They would buy Sudafed by the case and cook it up.

To get the drugs with pseudoephedrine in them, you must go to a pharmacy counter and ask for it.

Don't waste your money on Dayquil. They put PE in that as well now.

Nyquil still kicks butt, though!

Anonymous said...

dig a hole, hack a loogie in it, cover the hole with said removed dirt, circle the hole three times hopping on one foot whilst composing a get well song, much like the rain dances of our Native people...that's of course if all else fails. :) Feel better gents. See ya'll at home soon