Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

It's that wonderful day again. Hope everyone is having a great holiday. Best wishes to you and yours from all of us here in After Midnight Project. Here's a little gift from Santa AMP.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Retro Video!

Remember that one time when we were on tour?

It feels like it was already so long ago. Six months ago we were getting ready to go on our first big US tour. Now we're finishing up recording our first major label album! It sure has been an amazing 2008.

Because the year has been so incredible, let's relive some of the fun moments. (This is like that episode of Saved By The Bell when they're at that beach resort and they just sit around and reminisce and show clips from previous shows.)

Here was a fun little time in Texas:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Accordion Sword Battle

What happens when you mix us with an awesome accordion player, a dog, and some swords? Oh, and the raddest kid ever. Well, you can probably guess, but here's what really happened.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


For all of you who missed The Roxy show on Friday night, here's a little recap of how it went down. Sorry for the lack of blogs. It's been hectic getting the record done and with the holidays and... sorry, lots of excuses, we know. We'll try to be better about keeping you updated. Until then, enjoy: