Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fender Bender in Tallahassee

It was bound to happen. Luckily for the guys, I was there to take care of business. Moving at a steady clip of about 1.3 miles per hour, TJ accidentally backed the trailer into a car. The damage is pretty minimal - I could pound it out with a rubber mallet and some elbow grease in about 14 seconds.

The owner of the car didn't take me up on the offer. Instead, Tallahassee's finest showed up to write up a report and dish out a ticket. The U-Haul suffered very little if at all. No visible damage on that beast. And, no one was hurt so it's all good. Welcome to life on the road. We're only a week and a day into the tour so there's going to be a lot more adventure to come. I'm ready for whatever comes at me.

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