Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Return of Darryl!

I know everyone heard about Darryl over the tour - some of the rumors true, some not - and you've probably wondered whatever happened to him. He started out with such promise, such potential, but it didn't quite all come to fruition. Here's what happened when he came back on tour after having had some previous disagreements with the band in the past...


Anonymous said...

wow! yeah he totally deserved that punch.(a very good punch in the face by the way)=] so is he gone for good?

Anonymous said...

wow...really...just wow...hes not gone though i just saw him at the secret show selling merch lol...but dont piss off jason ;)

Anonymous said...

that was darryl selling the merch? no wonder i got a weird vibe. geez what a effen jerk. and jason. wow. i was bowled over by your personality but that punch made me gasp.